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About Us
The beautiful historic city of Delhi, with a varied literary and cultural heritage, has it's own three days Delhi Literature Festival (DLF) organised and celebrated in the winters of every year, around February.
The DLF began in 2013, with planned literary events including panel discussions, book readings, book launches, workshops, live performances, speaker events, poetry, music, theatre and cinema etc.
Speakers from the Past….

Anand Neelakantan

Anand Ranganathan

Anupam Kher

Ajay Mahawar

Amna Mirza

Anurag Batra

Ashwin Sanghi

Babul Supriyo

Bhupender Yadav

Binod Chaudhary

Chitra Mudgal

Deanne Pandey

Devdutt Pattanaik

Divya Dutta

Durjoy Datta

Gurcharan Das

Ira Trivedi

Kevin Missal

Kumar Vishwas

Lipika Bhushan

Mukul Kumar

Manish Tewari

Manoj Tiwari

Mark Tully

Meenakshi Lekhi

Milee Ashwarya

Munawwar Rana

Muzaffar Ali

Nagarkar, Tony-Joseph

Naveen Chakraborty

Neena Gupta

Pawan Varma

Preeti Shenoy

Pushpa Bector

R Balasubramaniam

Rama Pandey

Ravindra Singh

R C Bhargava

Shiela Dikshit

Shashi Tharoor

Satish Upadhyay

Sonal Mansingh

Sudha Murty

Surjit Bhalla

Tahira Kashyap

Taslima Nasrin

T K Arun

Vinay Sahasrbuddhe

Valay Singh

Vikas Swarup

Vikram Sampath

William Dalrymple

Yasser Usman

Yuvraj Malik
What Our
Attendees Say!

Rishu Mridula Anand
I sincerely thank Delhi Literature Festival Team to put in all the efforts to make us meet to people we love communicating with. I thoroughly loved the experience. I can understand what it takes to bring forth such an event.

Vinita Sharma Bakshi
Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to Delhi Literature Festival.

B Sai Chandravadhan
Hi. I am author, my name is Sai Chandravadhan and I write under the name of Vadhan. My first book is now in the market and has received good reviews. Do let me know what the process is for registering at the festival.

Mrinmay Gupta
Hope festival will be a great success.

Satyarth Nayak
Fabulous session on creative writing & getting published at DLF.